Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy 66th, Dougie!

McKenzie made this birthday sign for Dougie (which Madison proceeded to rip the top off of, but that's a whole other story) because she wanted me to take their picture holding the sign so they could wish Dougie a Happy Birthday "in person."

See Madison's smile? This is about as good as it gets these days. She sees the camera come out, and she looks up with closed eyes and gives me the big fake smile. YUK! See this? This is what I'm talking about. (Although, I must admit...this is a pretty cute one.)

When we were in Atlanta this summer, I slept in late one morning, and Dad got up with Madison (that's usually what Mom does, but for some reason, Dad got up with her.) She was in her "I only want my mommy phase" so she had been really stand off-ish with everyone especially when I was around. But that morning, Dougie started playing peek-a-boo with her, and they instantly bonded. And when we saw Mom & Dad again in Florida in September, Madison hadn't forgotten that Dougie was her buddy. She immediately went to him and started playing peek-a-boo again. I don't know if it's because they are both lefties or what (see below), but they are big time buddies. She loves her Dougie.
Anymore, the only way I can get her to stay still (at least a 2-year old's version of still) and smile for a picture is to say, "Dougie wants to see a pretty new picture of you." See these results? Here she is last Thursday... And here she is yesterday morning...

Yes, this is my new favorite skirt of hers. These look like "Little McKenzie outfits" (the pink shirt was McKenzie's). I think that's why I like them so much...they remind me of my big girl when she was an itty-bitty too. :(

And here's my cutie McKenzie. She FINALLY got the science bag at school (of all was the week I was out of town Monday - Thurday) so just another thing Scott had to do that week. It was something to do with adding baking soda to vinegear to make an explosion. Scott couldn't find the baking soda (by the was right in the front of the spice cabinet) and had to call the neighbor to see if she had some, and even after all that, he still remembered to take a picture of McKenzie in her science goggles. Isn't she the cutest?

Ok, so I have a lot more catching up to do, but I need to get the kiddos ready for bed.
Until tomorrow.